Our services range from isolated, small-scale improvements to interconnected, comprehensive offerings. Our proposals may be hourly or lump sum. Our full, landscape architectural services are characterized by the following phases:


We begin each project by listening to the client. Collaboratively, we seek to clearly identify and prioritize client concerns. (Our design work will be geared to address these concerns!). We encourage the client to communicate a vision and supporting goals for the project. As the project progresses, a particular goal may be refined or eliminated all together – this is okay! — we promote a fluid process which lends itself to favorable outcomes. As early as possible in the design process, we encourage clients to share project budgets — this way our work is efficient and our designs buildable. Depending on the scope of work and client preferences, our proposals may be hourly or based on a lump sum.

Good design starts with a good base plan. A base plan is a graphic representation of the existing conditions of a parcel/s. Existing conditions may come from client provided plans and documents, landscape architect field observations and measurements, and/or from a professional land surveyor. The initial meeting between client and landscape architect will begin to inform the scale and scope of desired landscape services and the extent of existing conditions needs. Most projects will require a professional survey. A survey needs document is prepared by landscape architect for a tailored surveyor proposal. Surveyor proposals typically include property boundaries (and all pertinent legal lines), vegetation and natural conditions, structures and human-made elements, and topographic information.    


We begin by carefully studying a site, identifying distinctive qualities to preserve and enhance. Using hand graphics, we work nimbly to generate a range of concept designs. We look for and celebrate synergies. We visually communicate hand drawings in as many ways as needed — plan, section, photo-overlay sketches, perspective, axonometric. Digital graphics and precedent photographs support our hand drawings. Collaboratively, we carefully consider design alternatives and a preferred concept design emerges. A concept plan typically serves as the framework for a Master Plan. A Master Plan is a comprehensive plan with a long–term vision for planning and budgeting purposes. A Master Plan can treated as one project or can be broken down into parts and spread out over time based on budget, schedule, practicality or client preference. The landscape architect will often prepare an opinion of probable landscape costs in association with the Master Plan.


Through more refined sketches and technical drawings the scope and character of the project is increasingly defined. A CAD drawing set is developed in skeletal form. During this phase, the landscape architect may share material samples for client review and selection. Plant species and quantities are narrowed down. The landscape architect may use field supplies to stake out vegetation, walls, or built forms as an effective tool for 3D visualization. As required, permitting and zoning submissions would be completed at this time.  


The landscape architect will guide the client on finding competent, reasonably–priced, and available contractors to bid a project. The purpose of pricing drawings are to graphically and verbally communicate the intent of the design for prospective contractors to price. The drawing package consists of technical plans and bid documents. The bid documents help to formalize the project — contractors are required to visit the site, complete a bid form which breaks down the project into buckets of work, provide an anticipated construction schedule, and, as necessary, provide a list of subcontractors needed to complete the project. During the bid period, the landscape architect will receive and answer questions or clarifications from contractors. After a couple week bid period, submissions are due to the landscape architect and a bid comparison document is prepared by landscape architect and provided to the client for review. A pricing drawing is then issued as a construction drawing by landscape architect and serves as the contractual basis between client and contractor. A signed contract initiates contractor preparations for construction.


During the construction period, the landscape architect will help protect the client investment by, 1) verifying quality craftsmanship and pace of construction by contractor and 2) bringing a keen eye and finesse to key aspects of construction. The extent of our involvement during the construction period is based on the complexity and breadth of work and client preferences. The landscape architect typically makes periodic site visits, including a pre–construction kick off meeting with client, landscape architect, contractor (and possibly architect). The design, construction, and owner teams are encouraged to stay in tight communication and coordination throughout the construction period. During this phase, the landscape architect is typically most heavily involved in planting — plant species, quantities, and health are reviewed at delivery and the layout of plants in the field is guided by landscape architect. Some project drawings will show the exact layout of plantings, while others will only generally show layout as these will be best located and spaced in the field by landscape architect. Nearing the end of construction, we schedule a project walk through and punch list with contractor and client. Areas not satisfactory would be noted, photographed and a punch list developed for contractor to complete the project. Following project completion, the landscape architect will often continue to work (sparingly over the course of months or years) to care for and manage the garden as it evolves through time.